Electrical Training Department Conducts FireDrill

In 2023, the school successfully passed the evaluativereview, and the final expert summary report put forward new developmentrequirements for our school. Against this backdrop, the school encouragesteachers and students to engage more in scientific research and college studentinnovation in the laboratories. With increased use of laboratories, laboratorysafety becomes a more significant issue. To further improve the fire safetyawareness of faculty and students and to vigorously popularize fire safetyknowledge, the school promotes faculty and students to pay attention to, learnabout, and participate in fire safety. On the evening of March 12, 2024, theElectrical Training Department conducted a fire safety lecture and evacuationdrill at the teaching site of the experimental building.

This event, combined with a fire safety promotional video,provided a detailed explanation of fire hazards, emergency self-help knowledge,and other aspects, which were highly practical and operable, enriching thestudents' fire safety knowledge. To put the learned knowledge into practice and"strike while the iron is hot," a fire scene evacuation drill wascarried out among the students. The students present actively cooperated, andthe atmosphere at the venue was very enthusiastic. Through the organization ofthis fire drill, students were warned through interaction, gained knowledge ofsafety precautions, promoted fire safety in the training venue, and played agood educational role in cultivating students' campus fire safety awareness.


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