On November29th, the Metalworking Teaching and Research Office held a seminar on"Digital Teaching" in Room 1434 of the training building. Theconference was attended by teachers from the Metalworking Teaching and ResearchOffice and Tan Xiaoxiao, a visiting scholar abroad.

At the meeting, everyone actively spoke up and discussed the fourmain aspects of digital teaching in the course "Fundamentals of ManufacturingTechnology A": digital resources, knowledge graphs, AI teachingassistants, VR simulation processing, etc.
The main sources of digital resources are high-quality websites suchas China University MOOCs, National Higher Education Smart Education Platform,National University Micro Course Teaching Platform, iCourse, and UniversityResource Network.
Knowledge graph is the integration of scattered information into astructured knowledge network. The graph model is visualized, relationships areendogenous, and information is organically integrated, greatly improving thecomprehensibility and usability of information.
AI teaching assistants answer questions and clarify doubts, assistteachers in their roles, and solve learning difficulties. AI learning analyticscollects and analyzes student learning data to help teachers better understandstudent situations and adjust teaching strategies in a timely manner.
VR simulation processing fully utilizes computer technology,graphics technology, numerical control technology, sensor technology, etc. toensure safety, reduce costs, repeat exercises, and provide students withimmersive experiences in visual, auditory, and tactile senses.
Teachers expressed that through this conference, they have gained adeeper understanding of digital teaching and will actively promote itswidespread application in teaching.