On November 21st, the Metalworking Teaching and Research Office helda seminar on "Course Ideological and Political Cases" in Room 1434 ofthe Training Building, attended by teachers from the Metalworking Teaching andResearch Office.

The course "Fundamentals of Manufacturing Technology A" isa compulsory subject foundation course for engineering majors, and plays animportant role in the professional curriculum system. It plays an importantrole in cultivating students' engineering awareness, hands-on ability, andinnovative thinking. The teachers discussed the ideas for curriculumideological and political construction. Curriculum ideological and politicaleducation includes the integration of ideological and political elements,ideological and political cases, and ideological and political content. Theelements of ideological and political education include the glorious history ofancient China, the heavy weapons and core technologies of great powers, and thestories of important figures. The ideological and political cases are dividedand cooperated by teachers, with each person responsible for 2-3 chapters ofcourse ideological and political examples. The integration of ideological andpolitical content should achieve an organic combination of professional coursesand ideological and political education, achieving the effect of moisteningthings silently and transforming spring breeze into rain.
In short, the reform and construction of ideological and politicaleducation in the curriculum is a long-term and complex project that requiresactive exploration, practice, summarization, and improvement. Only through thejoint efforts of universities, teachers, and students can we continuouslyimprove the quality of teaching, promote the mastery of students' knowledge,the cultivation of their abilities, and the improvement of their qualities, andcultivate high-level applied talents that meet the needs of modern enterprisedevelopment.