The EngineeringTraining Center (Innovation and Entrepreneurship College) conducts fire emergencydrills.
To furtherenhance the attention of faculty and staff to fire safety and to strengthen theemergency response capabilities of teachers and students in practical trainingenvironments, the Engineering Training Center (Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCollege) held a fire evacuation drill on November 7th at the welding site onthe first floor of the Practical Training Building 1 on the Songjiang campus.
The drill wasorganized by the Laboratory Safety Working Group of the Engineering TrainingCenter, which included a communication and contact team, an evacuation guidanceteam, a safety protection and first aid team, and a drill publicity team, eachwith clear responsibilities and leaders. Before the drill officially began, Mr.Zhang Yalong from the Metalworking Practical Training Department of theEngineering Training Center gave a comprehensive and detailed explanation ofthe emergency response plan for a fire scene. Under the on-site demonstrationand careful guidance of safety officer Mr. Xu Junhui, the students personallyexperienced and practiced the entire process of self-rescue and evacuation.
Through thedrill, the students further clarified important information such as key fireprevention areas, the specific placement of fire extinguishers within thebuilding, and the accurate locations of escape signs. This event not only laida solid foundation for the fire safety work of the Engineering Training Centerbut also took a solid step forward for students to be able to safely andorderly engage in practical training in the future.